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太陽下山,城市躲進地球的影子,影子的黑籠罩視覺,使我分不清前後的距離,距離感像是被打亂了。 冷氣外機,旋轉燈,浪板,通風球等等..... 是城市中被藏匿起來的元素,它們存在於各個建築物的邊緣,不會張揚,身處在角落發揮它自身的作用,我試著利用這些物件去改變畫廊內白盒子空間的調性,營造夜晚建築外部的風景。 黃色圓球柱燈是出入口的暗示,當我們上樓準備進入畫廊看展,門口的球燈其實是邀請觀者「出去」,19:00後出去看看,這裡有些事情正在發生,空調的壓縮機還在運轉,不同形式的人造光源各自發光,空氣也在流動著。 以生活中常見但容易被忽視的物件作為創作的出發點、轉動的通風球帶動虛幻的理髮燈、嗡嗡作響的壓縮機、角落的火堆、等速飛行的蝴蝶、在腦海中面對著大眾小便的尿尿小童在19:00轉向背對著我們,它們在我營造的室外空間中各自運作。利用不同物件的造型和功能性去拼裝、改造、變形。不同物件的組合成熟悉又陌生的存在。



The sun sets and the city slips into the earth’s shadow. A shadow so dense it obscures my vision and distorts my sense of distance. I cannot tell what is before nor behind me. Outdoor AC compressor units, barber shop pole lights, corrugated roofing, turbine vents… These urban essentials are often hidden from our sight. They exist incongruously on edges of buildings, working tirelessly at the periphery. I utilize these objects in my work as an attempt to alter the sense of space inside a gallery, transforming the white cube into a night scene of architecture exteriors. The lamp posts with yellow bulbs signify an entrance as well as an exit. Entering the exhibition space on the fourth flour, viewers are invited by the gesture of these lamps to access “the outdoors” at 19:00. One may observe various happenings there – the AC units running, an assortment of artificial lights glowing, and air currents flowing. This body of work is inspired by underappreciated objects in our everyday life. The turbine vent spins and activates the barbershop pole lights, the AC compressors hum as the digital bonfire sets a corner space aglow, and the butterfly flies at a constant speed while the urinating cherub turns his back on us at the stroke of 19:00. These objects operate independently in the outdoor space I created inside the gallery, their appearance and functionality reconfigured and transformed, composing a vignette of the familiar and the strange.

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